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Now i want to tell you about computer. In this age we can't think our life without computer. Our life based on computer. Computer is one of the best invention of science. We use computer every where our life. Modern life based on computer. Nowadays computer makes an important part and parcel of our life.Day by day science gives us better computers than ago. We use  computer for personal use,we use computer for work. Life impossible without computer. in an higher organization,office every where computer are used for every works. Computer can gives us informatical knowledge,mathematical knowledge, solution to a problem.. Computer working on some steps. Every work has a system.  Computer also can achieve or note many important files or knowledges... So, we have to learn computer... computer is a important part of our success. We should learn computer for a good job also a good career.

A great cricketer Sakib al hasan

Now i want to tell you about my favorite player. Cricket is a very popular game in our country. We have many extraordinary players. All are my favorites but Sakib al hasan is my most favorite player among of them. I don't like cricket so much. But i watch when Bangladesh is playing. Sakib al hasan is a great cricketer. Also a good husband and father. He take care his wife and daughter very carefully. He playes with his injuries. He playes with his honesty. He playes for us. He playes for our country. But we are trolling about him. Its very shamful matter for us. In our country some humanity less people are don't know  how to respect our pride. They always busy to making troll for others.  He is all rounder. He is hope for us. We all should respect him. We should respect of the cricketers of our country. Because they are fighting for us. No more today..

Importance of reading newspaper & magazines.

Assalamuyalaikum to all... Reading newspaper is  very essential for our basic and general knowledge. By reading newspapers we can know about all news of world and other countrys. Reading more and more newspaper paper and magazines increasing our general & basic knowledge. It increase our thinking skill. Which can be helpful for our life & success. Nowadays newspapers and magazines are make a important part of our life. In this modern age we can read newspapers and magazines through online. We don't need to go market for buying it. Other hand newspapers and magazines can give entertainment. Like sports,celebrity,stories and poems all can found here. No more today.. Take care guys..

How to be a freelancer

Now i wanna tell you all about freelancing.. Freelancing is a online based work. Nowadays it's become very popular in our country... We can earn money more and more by freelancing.. in our coutry most of students are do freelancing.. also who are can't be success to find out a job  they also doing freelancing.. But is not so esay who wants to be a freelancer he or she have to be skilled.. Firstly he or she have to be perfect at English. Then he or she have to be skilled about freelancing works. Like Website development,design,article writing,grafics design etc.. There are has many freelancing market place like upwork,freelancer,fivver etc... Our country has many successful record about freelancing.. We can earn dollars through freelancing... I want to be also a freelancer... In sha allah one i can success.. No more today..

Income from blog

Today i wanna tell you about blog. Blog is a one kind of site. It is store house of knowledge. Everyone can creat a blog site... The persons who are writing  for blogsites is called  blogger. Blog sites has many valuable histories,posts etc which are very crying need for us. Being a blogger is not an esay work. Firstly a blogger should read more and more about various subjects. Like history,news,places,different type of cities etc An informative post is very vauable for blog sites. An uninformative post is not suitable for blog sites.. If we want to be a blogger we should learn how to write a good post first. A blogger can also earn much money by using blogsites. But it is not so esay. He or she have to work hard. Nowadays blogging becomes very popular. We can creat blogsite without any cost by using some simple steps. No more today..

Domein and hosting

Domain and hosting is very important part of a website. Without this two elements website can't be complete Domain:Domein means a suitable name for website. It is very important for a website. It should be unique and attractive. Hosting: Hosting means place of website. it's most important for a website. If we want to make a website we should buy domein and hosting. Many companies are selling domain and hosting. Some are selling it by monthly and some are selling it by yearly. No more today.

Rivers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country of rivers. We known as mache vate bangali. Bangali cuture fully depend on rivers. We can get fish from rivers. Bangladesh is a mother of rivers. Bangladesh has many rivers. Most of main rivers are Padma,Meghna,Jumuna and Kornofuli etc.. Rivers are beauty of Bangladesh. Bangladesh incomplete without rivers. When a person see the beauty of our rivers he or she feel very fresh and joy... it can remove our sorrow. It can remove our depression.. I'm live in narayangonj. There are has also a river which name is Sitolokkha.. when i feel bad i go there then i feel very fresh and good.. Everyone should take care our rivers. Because it is our main beauty.. No more today...


Assalamiyalaikum guys. Today i wanna tell you about mobile. Mobile is a very important part of our life. Every where every time we need mobile. Nowadays we can't live without mobile. To live without mobile is impossible. Mobile is crying need for us. Few years ago we used mobile only for talking to each other but now mobile need for many works... Now people are using internet through mobile. It is very essential side of mobile. Mobeil gives us all hope which we need. We can listen songs,movies,Cartoons etc through mobile. We can download any kind of songs,Movie,cartoons,Apps everywhere we need.. By using mobile many difficult work is possible very simply. We can't live without it.. We can also learn from mobile. There are has many facebook groups,online sites or apps for education. it's very helpful for us.. We can't think a single day without mobile. But mobile has also some bad sides. People are using it out of limit. It can do harm for our ey

Why internet need for all. Assalamuyalaikum...

Today i wanna tell you about why internet for all. In this age we can't leave without internet. We are fond of internet. Internet makes our life easy and comfortable. We can't leave a day without internet. Nowadays every school,collage,office and organizations are using internet. Internet makes passport of success in this age. Everyone should follow internet.  None can overcome without internet. In businesses sections,offices and other places everywhere internet is using... We can get any information any time through internet. We can do many other important works through internet... The freelances are most dependent on internet because every work of freelancing is done by internet. Without internet freelancing can't be start. A freelancer should achieve full knowledge about internet. A businessman also need internet. Because a businessman can promoting his or her business by internet. Most of organizations and offices has his or her websites. Which through

Importance of reading newspaper & magazines.

Assalamuyalaikum to all... Reading newspaper is  very essential for our basic and general knowledge. By reading newspapers we can know about all news of world and other countrys. Reading more and more newspaper paper and magazines increasing our general & basic knowledge. It increase our thinking skill. Which can be helpful for our life & success. Nowadays newspapers and magazines are make a important part of our life. In this modern age we can read newspapers and magazines through online. We don't need to go market for buying it. Other hand newspapers and magazines can give entertainment. Like sports,celebrity,stories and poems all things can found here.

mportance of presentation in business.

Assalamuyalaikum... Today i want to tell you all about importance of presentation in any business. In any business presentation is very important. In this modern age we have to learn about presentation.. It's very essential for improvement of any business. In any business we should present a product to our customers. If we can't be present any product to our customers properly they are not be interested for buying our products. So, we should bear in mind that we have to impress our customers. We live in a competition world. Everyone running fast for success. If we can't  be success  to present our products near customers  they are not want to buy our products. So you fall down. And can't get a good position of our business. Everyone are now trying to present their products very attractively. They do more and more for build up a good image of their products for their customers. We should presents our products all qualities for our customers very n


Assalamuyalaikum to all.. Facebook is a very popular social media. We all are know it. Nowadays it made our part of life. We can't stay without it.. We can share our feeling here infront of public. It is a very popular place in the word. The creator name is "Mark jukarbarg" We can share our feeling,photos on facebook. We can also do business through it. It is very helpful for business. Nowadays it is gives more success for business... Online business are mostly depend on it.. People can promoted their products,websites,apps etc through it. But sometimes facebook can  harmful for us. Many dishonest peoples are doing many crimes using it. They open fake id's and trying to do crimes. sometimes when we share our photos and informations some peoples can do harm to us throughing our informations and photos. So we should make aware about using facebook. We should take care about our personal informations. All are not for public. We shouldn't do it. One s